FebFast 2021

So now, three weeks deep into March.... story of my life (too busy to be coherent).
Thought it would be apt to complete a later post.
FebFast is usually focused on limiting consumption of Alcohol, it is also a great opportunity to improve your own health and wellbeing. FebFast's purpose is to raise vital funds to support young people facing serious disadvantage including alcohol and other drug use.
As I am not a big drinker by any means, I thought I would challenge myself to a bigun - that being Caffeine.

Caffeine has been described as the world’s most popular drug and legions of coffee addicts can attest to that. Caffeine has lots of desirable effects for regular drinkers, especially for its ability to ‘kick-start’ the day. Moderate tea and coffee consumption has been linked to several health benefits.
However, it can be quite addictive and like any drug, our tolerance to it builds up over time. As caffeine consumption goes up, so too does the risk of poor sleep patterns, agitation, anxiety and heart palpitations.

Everyone that knows me personally, or has read through my posts may be aware that I  am always either coffee, energy drink or zero sugar soft drink in hand. For the challenge I didnt properly wean off of caffiene, so the first two weeks were on a reduction regime so that I was properly FebFasting from Caffiene for the final 14 days of February.

Here's some quick numbers for you -
Espresso coffees: 90 to 200 mg
Cola drinks: 35 mg (375 mL can)
Black and green tea: 30 to 100 mg
Iced-coffee: 30 to 60 mg
Instant coffee: 60 to 100 mg
Energy or sports drinks: 80 (250 mL can)
Dark chocolate bar: 40 to 50 mg per 55 g serve

I completed FebFast with a fellow Rio Tinto colleague Jon Olafson, whom challenge himself to going Sugar-Free.

So Feb 1 - Feb 13 went a little like this:
Cold turkeyed Red Bull Zero and my beloved Green/White Ultra (mofo'n) Monster.
Cold turkeyed on Coke No Sugar - agast... maybe forcefully as Perth went into a snap 5-day covid lockdown with shop closures and mandatory face mask wearing regime. I legitimately was stressed our of my eyeballs, but would not bring myself to head to the shops to face a panic attack with the masses panic buying fkn toilet paper and aaaaalll the things. Kind of was a blessing.
What was not was the Woorooloo Bushfire evacuation at the same time.... man, it was hell on Earth outside and inside my body. But as always I survived.
Switched my need for fizz with soda waters, flavoured with Lime, Raspberry and Grapefruit - did I mention that I just think I like the bubbles?!
and started making homemade Turmeric Latte's with my milk frother and with a Macro Turmy Latte mix (I didn't make it dirty...)

Come Valentines Day (... or my coined term, Galentines day) I was free and had used up my last NesCafe Caramel Latte satchet. Mind you, these were usually made with the satchet and with an additional two heaped teaspoons full of Moccona dry-freeze instant coffee. FML.
Feb 14 - Feb 28: Despite the wean off weeks being inundated with headaches, I still had headaches coming off my final doses.
My gut was far less irritable, not so sure about my demeanor though.
No regulation in my sleep, which was unfortunately but likely attributed to other health related issues. But overall, I felt better for coming off caffeine.

But yeah March 1st - straight back on it... and sorry not sorry - work has been March Mania and I've been pushing myself to the extreme, so my caffeine consumption is again maxxed. And my gut and irritability is paying for it...

Dont do drugs... mmmk
This includes Caffeine... mmmk
