My ration challenge: #withrefugees

The rations explained:
The Ration Challenge has been designed to reflect, as closely as possible, what it’s like to eat rations as a Syrian refugee in Jordan.
Our Challenge ration packs contain exactly the same food, in almost the same quantities, as we distribute to refugees.

You may get a shock when you first open your ration box – it’s not much for a week! It contains:
Rice – 420g
Lentils – 170g
Dried chick peas – 85g
Tinned sardines – 125g
Tinned kidney beans – 400g
Vegetable oil – 300ml

An additional 1.5kg of rice, and 400g of flour needs to be purchased.

Day 1 -
Congee for brekky, lots of water and rice for dinner. Yum! Going to get #ricebrain sooner rather than later.
Prepped all the foods I need for site life, including packing my Tupperware Rice cooker to make up extra rice on site. Thanks Debbie Whiting - cooks it perfect every time and its easily transportable
Feeling OK for now...

Day 2 -
More congee for brekky... and this is the most basic congee ever! Water and Rice. I'd love some flavour or substance to make it more like a pudding.
Mujadara for lunch, 90g rice + 40g lentils. This is usually cooked with spices and sautéed veggies and onions in Lebanese cuisine.
Dinner was Plain rice, I'm having literal #ricebrain. Still 1 more day until I can cook more rice.
I woke up with the worst headache, and tried to fill my void with as much water as humanely possible.

Day 3 -
More congee for brekky... However because of the gracious donations of Luke Carter Dustin Bope and Ben Preece I added a little soy milk and 10g of sugar for flavour. Its amazing how much difference these foods can make.
90g of lentils for lunch, cooked in water until it became a lentil broth. Was a lot more satisfying than it sounds.
Dinner was Plain rice, .... I love rice!
I had some little flatbread bites for snacks, made from wholemeal flour and water then fried in a pan in a little oil. I actually like their texture, bit like a firm damper.
Worst brain fades this morning, was doubling up words and writing things sdrawkcab (backwards). Regret doing this at work, the hunger pangs dont mix well with humid dense underground air that makes you sweat.

Day 4 -
Crepes for brekky... I say Crepes but its more like damper. Flour water and oil.
90g of lentils for lunch, cooked in water until it became a lentil broth. Not sure i remember the taste of food. #blandfolyf
Dinner was Plain rice, .... I love rice!
I had some Falafel for snacks. Basic af Falafel, soaked dried chickpeas processed and blended with oil then fried off in a pan. Don't really stay together haha
Feeling pretty good today. More than halfway there! This afternoon was a little bit of a struggle, don't think my IBS is appreciating the gluten from the flour or the Galactans from all the lentils and chickpeas. #ibslife
Heres a photo of my rice yummmm! And my #withrefugees bracelet. Had to wear it today to remind myself why i am doing this.

Day 5-
Crepes for brekky... I say Crepes but its more like damper. Flour water and oil. No more Crepes(Damper) now yay #pamperyoselfwithdamper
Lunch was a small serve of rice with 1/5th a can of red kidney beans. Was actually my favourite lunch thus far #beansthemagicalfruit
Dinner was Plain rice, .... I love rice!
I had some Falafel for snacks. Basic af Falafel, soaked dried chickpeas processed and blended with oil then fried off in a pan. Don't really stay together haha
Feeling pretty good today. More than halfway there! This afternoon was a little bit of a struggle, sweated it out Underground whilst wall mapping for 2 and a half hours. 2 days to go... 2 days to go!

Day 6 -
Congeeeeeee! rice rice and more rice
Lunch was a small serve of rice with 1/5th a can of red kidney beans. Was actually my favourite lunch thus far #beansthemagicalfruit
Dinner was beans and rice.
Feeling pretty good today. Had limited appetite before meals, but then after meals my body was like where's the rest of it? . 1 day to go... 1 day to go!

Day 7 and wrap-up -
Congeeeeeee! rice rice and more rice
Lunch was a small serve of rice with 1/5th a can of red kidney beans. Was actually my favourite lunch thus far #beansthemagicalfruit
Dinner was beans and rice.
Feeling pretty good today. Wait what?!
And I'm done!
In summary, the #RationChallenge is worth it.
It gives you greater perspective on the value of the taste of food. And some of the living conditions refugees face, not out of choice - to try and escape warfare and have a better life.
Thankyou again to my Sponsors - Luke Carter, Dustin Bope, Ben Preece, Raja Marty Moe and Hana Lee!
I've attached a photo of the meal plan I followed, my final meal and my final flatbread bite (which was consumed whilst my workmates were enjoying a hot smoko of bacon and eggs). 😊
I still have left over rice, and I managed to somehow have the energy to continue my training for the Goldfields Pipeline. Only 1.5kg down!

If you need more info Google Ration Challenge. And to direct you to my sponsorship page please follow -